Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Oh Happy Day! lol

So...sorry to keep ya'll in suspense, haha, but I can now say with almost complete certainty that I did, in fact, ovulate!!! :)  This has been a crazy few days, I'll tell you that!  Nothing could make a girl start thinking a thousand miles a minute like seeing that first high temp!  I honestly couldn't fall back asleep for an hour & a half after seeing that!  Then waiting the last 2 days has honestly been pretty torturous.  It somewhat reminded me of the 65 day cycle I had before I started charting, when I didn't know what was going on & it felt like the not knowing was killing me! lol.  BUT, I tried my best to just relax & wait, & today being the 3rd day of high temps (plus today's temp being even higher then the previous 2), I feel fairly confident in saying I ovulated!!!

I can't even tell you how I feel about this.  This is the first time I've known that I've ovulated in this entire 8 months of TTC, & even if I did O those first 2 cycles before I started charting, this would still be the first time I've O'd since November!!  That's a long time, & this has been a LONG journey to get to this point!  I'm so happy & relieved, to know that my body is working!!  I could tell my body was trying super hard too, cuz I've had ovulation pains up the WAZOO the last several days, up until yesterday it stopped.  

Here's a link to my chart to check out the temp shift:

I know right now it says I O'd on CD23, but it was actually CD25, so if it doesn't change that I'll try to figure out how to do that.  

I'm feeling so relieved, relaxed, & at peace right now!  This is my first ever 2ww! :)  


  1. That is fantastic!!! Enjoy the craziness of the 2WW and good luck :)

    There is definitely a way to override the FF crosshairs, but I don't know how.

  2. This is great news!! Enjoy your 2WW!!

  3. thank you ladies!! I'm like, SO happy right now! lol.
