So this cycle is proving to be interesting so far. I'm on CD25, & so far no O, but I've been keeping my hopes up that it'll happen! Mostly because this is the last cycle before we officially start testing & seeing the RE, so it's kinda my body's last chance to get things together & start working, so I just think how awesome would it be if it did!
So anyway though, I decided to start using OPKs again this cycle, & started those on CD19. Then on CD22 I had what I thought was a "maybe" positive OPK, then for the last 2 days (CD24 & 25), I've had OPKs that were definitely positive! In the past when I've had positive OPKs (although I never O'd afterwards), the "test" line was just as dark as the control, but never darker. Well these last 2 days that I've had positive results, the "test" line was actually WAY darker than the control line, which I've never seen my OPKs do before! This is a significant difference. This has kinda gotten my hopes up that maybe I really will O this cycle! I haven't seen a temp shift yet, but I'm really hopeful that it will happen!
The only bummer is I've read that a lot of people get multiple positives with the brand I'm using (Answer), so I looked up some FAQ about their brand today, & found out they can be a little inconsistent, & also that the "darker" part of the test line has to take up at least 50% of the line in order to be considered positive. With that in consideration, I'm not totally sure if mine would be considered positive or not. I'm a little frustrated w/ that, so finally just ordered some wonfos from amazon since all the bump ladies use those & they are cheap! Hopefully they'll be a bit more accurate. Still hoping though that since I've never seen a line this dark before that maybe I really will O!
I've been getting a lot of positivity from people lately that has been encouraging & giving me hope. :) My church is into a lot of the "prophetic" aspects of spirituality, & what they call giving people "words", or basically what you hear God saying to that person. Well recently my husband & I were speaking on communication & love in relationships at our church's ministry school (don't be confused, no I'm still not that into organized religion, this was a special circumstance), & later after we were done, one of the students came up & gave us a word that he "saw" me being pregnant, but he hadn't known we were trying. That was really cool. I also had a girlfriend of mine who is becoming really close to me (& happens to be very blessed w/ fertility), pray over me recently, at the beginning of this cycle, & that felt pretty amazing also.
And now that I'm thinking about it, just to top it all off, I just remembered that one of the reasons we started trying when we did (which was a little earlier than we had first planned) in the first place was because a really respected & well known speaker that we know, had had a "word" about us being pregnant. So ya know, I just feel like all things are pointed in this direction! :) I feel like God is using all these little ways to give me hope, that regardless of what things look like or how they seem right now, etc, that this is something that is meant to be in our lives! It's awesome the way God uses people, & this is all helping to build my faith!
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